2021. 11. 30. 07:42ㆍEnv/Tools
- 목차
: terminal multiplexer
create multiple sessions and it maintains until the server power-off
session -+-- window -+-- pane -+-- bar
| +-- pane
| +-- ...
+-- window
+-- ...
ctrl + b, :
ctrl + b, ?
1. session
$ tmux
// session in
$ exit
ctrl + d
// session out
changing session number
: starting a new session with the designated session name
$ tmux new -s session_name
changing session name after new
$ ctrl + b, $
$ ctrl + b, :
rename-session new-name
session을 종료하지않고 유지시키고자 하면,
$ tmux detach
session list 보기
$ tmux list-session(s)
$ tmux ls
attach to the existing session
$ tmux attach -t 1 <-- '1' is session name
2. Window
create a new window
ctrl + b, c
create a new session with a new window
$ tmux new -s <session-name> -n <window-name>
changing window name
ctrl + b, ,
window out
ctrl + b, &
ctrl + d
window move
ctrl + b, 0-9 : window number
n : next window
p : prev window
l : last window
w : window selector <-- *
f : find by name
3. Pane
pane split
ctrl + b, % : vertical split (횡 분할)
" : horizontal split (종 분할)
Pane move
ctrl + b, q 그리고 화면에 나오는 숫자키
ctrl + b, o : 순서대로 이동
ctrl + b, arrow : 방향키로 숑숑
Pane deletion
ctrl + b, x
ctrl + d
Pane resize
(ctrl + b, :)
resize-pane -L 10
-R 10
-D 10
-U 10
Pane layout change
ctrl + b, spacebar
4. shortcut keys
# 단축키 목록
ctrl + b, ?
# 키 연결 및 해제 bind and unbind
(ctrl + b, :)
bind-key [-cnr] [-t key-table] key command [arguments]
unbind-key [-acn] [t key-table] key
# 옵션 설정 `set` and `setw`
set -g <option-name> <option-value> : set-option
setw -g <option-name> <option-value> : set-window-option
5. copy mode
# copy mode 진입
ctrl + b, [
# 빠져나오기
(copy mode에서) q or ESC
# 이동
arrow : 커서 이동
pageUp, pageDown : 페이지 이동 (iTerm에서는 fn + up, down, terminal에서는 alt + up, down)
6. tmux.conf
~/.tmux.conf 파일을 생성해 설정을 저장해두면 시작할 때 자동으로 설정을 불러온다.
컬러 설정,
마우스 설정
setw -g mode-mouse on
set -g mouse-select-pane on
set -g mouse-resize-pane on
set -g mouse-select-window on
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